School of Management and Zhognguancun Talent Association Jointly Held Zhongguancun Talent Forum

Zhongguancun Talent Forum 2014, with New Opportunities, New Thinking, Where Will Talents Go” as the theme, was held at 9 in International Conference Center of Tsinghua Science Park. The forum was jointly held by School of Management, UCAS and Zhongguancun Talent Association. More than 400 people from universities, enterprises, consulting agencies, media, and hi-tech industries participated in the forum. 


On the forum, Prof. Tong Rencheng made a speech on “Consideration on Integration of Talents in Beijing and Tianjin”. Mr. Xu Jinghong cautioned the entrepreneurs against making strategies and tactics. He also pointed out that the enterprises should introduce professionals who are above the average.


With the adjustment of economic structure and upgrading of industries, penetration of Internet into traditional industries, and release of joint development strategy of Beijing- Tianjin-Hebei Region, hi-tech industries and policy-makers are faced with challenges and opportunities. So the participates also discussed on the topic “Where will the talents go under the new situation?”


Zhongguancun Talent Forum was launched by Zhongguancun Talent Association in 2007. Main participants are CEOs, top management and HR managers. The forum focused on practice in talent field, with hundreds of participates each time.