Associate Professor Shuming Wang’s Research Findings Were Accepted by POM

The paper “Robust Bilevel Resource Recovery Planning” co-written by Associate Professor Shuming Wang of SEM, UCAS and Doctor Jie Xiong, Associate Professor Tsan Sheng Ng of NUS was accepted by Production and Operations Management(POM) recently. Shuming Wang is the corresponding author of the paper.


The paper, for the first time, from the perspective of collaboration, considered the optimization of joint operation of the renewable energy system involved local authority and private operators under PPP (Public-Private Partnership) framework. By building a Decision-dependent ambiguity set to model the influence of the government Interference on distribution of uncertain parameters, and abstracting the above problem as a Stackelberg Game model with uncertain distribution under the framework of Distributionally robust optimization, the research, therefore, realized the collaborative decision analysis of the local authority decision-making and the private operators decision-making under uncertain environment. Through a series of semi simulation experiments based on real data, the bankruptcy process of a famous renewable energy enterprise is restored by the model, and the importance of government intervention in ensuring the sustainable operation of renewable energy enterprises is accurately identified.


The research work was funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China(Outstanding Youth Fund) and Youth Promotion Project of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences.