Four teachers and two teaching teams of SEM won “Lingyan" Medal of UCAS

In 2020,UCAS awarded  "Lingyan Medal of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences" for the first time. on August 31, 2021, At the opening ceremony of UCAS, Academician Shushen Li , vice president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and President of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, presented 2021 awards to the representatives of award winners.  4 teachers and 2 teaching teams in SEM won the awards. 



Associate Professor Hongbo Duan won the "Lingyan Gold Medal". Professor Shouyang Wang , Professor Han Qiao, and Associate Professor Xin Tian won the "Lingyan Silver Medal". The 5-person teaching team led by Professor Jianping Li and the 5-person teaching team led by Professor Jingli Chu won the "Lingyan Silver Medal".