Prof. Dan Breznitz from Georgia Tech Visiting School of Management

On March 15, Prof. Dan Breznitz from Georgia Institute of Technology, at the invitation of the Prof. Liu Xielin, paid a visit to the School of Management and conducted an in-depth exchange with the faculty and students on his new book Run of the Red Queen: Government, Innovation, Globalization, and Economic Growth in China.柳卸林与Dan.jpg

 Prof. Dan Breznitz anf Prof. Liu Xielin


The book Run of the Red Queen uncovers China’s growth myth based on the studies on the regional innovation systems in Beijing, Shanghai, and the Pearl River Delta by taking the example of ICT industry. In the author’s opinion, Beijing, like the human brain, is good at knowledge creation, and Shanghai, like the heart, does well in converting knowledge into technology. As for the Pearl River Delta, it excels in making new products, just like the thigh. The three regions have their own advantages and disadvantages, and complement each other well. The author also holds that there is little cutting edge innovation but most second-generation innovation in China. And the rapid development of China’s economy mainly relies on exports supported by the low labor costs and abundant resources.


Prof Dan Breznitz  Is  Making a Lecture


In the end, the students had a lively discussion with Prof. Dan Brenitz about whether it’s one-sided to analyze China’s rapid development just by taking the ICT industry as the example, and whether the local government should obtain more autonomy.