Prof. Tong Yunhuan Reported on MBA Education in China

On May 14, Prof. Tong Yunhuan, the secretary-general of China National MBA Education Supervisory Committee, made a report to the staff of the School of Management, at the invitation of Prof. Wang Shouyang, the Executive Vice Dean of the school.


Prof. Tong Yunhuan


Prof. Tong mainly talked about MBA education in China. He first reviewed the development of MBA education in the past 20 years in China, then explained the nature and features of MBA education. Tong holds the opinion that MBA education is both degree education and professional education, but it is different from other professional Masters in positioning and requirements.


Prof. Tong also mentioned the trend of MBA education development in the world and interpreted “Global Vision and Cross-Cultural Management”. Based on this, he enumerated the practice of MBA education internationalization in China.


As for the accreditation of MBA programs, besides AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA, Prof. Tong said that China had started our own accreditation system since 2011 and 7 Chinese universities had joined in the accreditation.


Finally, Prof. Tong summed up the problems existing in China’s MBA education and how to develop MBA education in the future.