Prof. Gao Xudong from Tsinghua University Made an Academic Report

At the invitation of Zhou Jianghua, our faculty, Prof. Gao Xudong from Tshing University came to School of Management and made an academic report for the students. The report was entitled “Considerations on Technological Catch-Up of Chinese Enterprises”.



 Prof. Gao Xudong at the Lecture


Prof. Gao analyzed the technological catch-up of Chinese enterprises in three parts, practice of technological catch-up of Chinese enterprises since the founding of PRC, theories of technological catch-up in developing countries, theoretical strategies of technological catch-up of Chinese enterprises. The report analyzed in detail five patterns of technological catch-up of enterprises in China in the past thirty years. He thinks that only when the enterprises stick to developing core technology can they successfully handle competitions from the multinational corporations in a context of internationalization. When comparing theories of enterprise technological catch-up in the developing countries, Prof. Gao quoted the successful cases of Korea and Japan and failed cases of Latin America, and interpreted the strength and weaknesses of Chinese enterprises after China joined in WTO. He also put forward policies and measures for the government to promote Chinese enterprises realizing technological catch-up.