Recruiting Team Members for 4th Desert Challenge Match for Business Schools at Asian-Pacific Areas

Desert Challenge Match for Business Schools at Asian-Pacific Areas is an experiential match for MBA students. By crossing 60 kilometers desert on foot, the participants can experience and fulfill the ideas of the competition: Environmental Protection, Cooperation, Persistence, and Responsibility.


The match will start on April 30 and last till May 3, 2015 at Tengger Desert.


The applicants should be MBA students or MBA alumni of UCAS. They must be healthy and available for the weekly physical training. The deadline for the recruiting is March 20, 2015. MBA Association and MBA Outdoors Association are responsible for selection of participants.


Each team is made up of 16 members. UCAS team members will be decided upon results of the selection test of 10 kilometers running held in the Olympic Park on March 21, 2015.

Applicants can send such information as name, gender, age, and phone number to mailbox:


MBA Association

MBA Outdoors Association