Name: LIU Ying
Title:Associate Professor
Research Areas: Business data analysis, Internet economy, E-commerce, Internet finance
Administrative Title: Assistant Dean
Highest Degree&Year Earned: Ph.D, 2011
Discipline:Virtual Business
Publication in the Past 5 Years:
1)English Journals&Journal Citations (SSCI/SCI/EI/CSSCI)
1. A novel approach for predicting urban pavement damage based on facility information: A case study of Beijing, China Transport Policy, 2020, SSCI
2. How “Belt and Road” Initiative Implementation Has Influenced R&D Outcomes of Chinese Enterprises: Asset-exploitation or Knowledge Transfer?, R&D Management, 2020, SCI
3. Using Google Trends and Baidu Index to analyze the impacts of disaster events on company stock prices,Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2019, SCI
4. “Forecasting Chinese Stock Market Prices using Baidu Search Index with a Learning-Based Data Collection Method” International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, 2019, 18 (5) : 1605-1629, with Dong JiChang, Dai Wei, Ye Lean and Wang Jie.SCI
5. “Analysis of the prediction capability of web search data based on the HE-TDC method- prediction of the volume of daily tourism vistors” Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, 2017, 26 (2) :1-20, with Geng Peng, JiYuan Wang and Jifa Gu.SCI
6. “Intelligence Quotient and Intelligence Grade of Artificial Intelligence” Annals of Data Science, 2017, 1-13, with Feng Liu and Yong Shi.SCI
7. “Composite leading search index: a preprocessing method of Internet search data for stock trends prediction” Annals of Operations Research, 2015, 234, Page 77-94, with Yibing Chen, Sheng Wu, Geng Peng and Benfu LvSCI
8. “Online purchaser segmentation and promotion strategy selection: evidence from Chinese E-commerce market” Annals of Operations Research, 2015, 233, Page 263-279, with Hong Li, Benfu Lv and Geng Peng.SCI
2) Chinese Journals&Journal Citations (SSCI/SCI/EI/CSSCI)
1. Research on liquidity reversal effect of stock market from the perspective of limited attention, management review, 2020, CSSCI
2. Mei Mei, Ying Liu, Xiaoli Tang, Fen Zhang. Emotion mining method of microblog unstructured data and its application in tourism prediction, information service, 2019, CSSCI
3. Chong Zhang, Ying Liu, Min Chu, Mei Mei. Research on mobile app user adoption process based on massive log data, management review, 2017, CSSCI
4. Stock market signal effect of industrial policy and its impact on Enterprise Innovation: overview and prospect, science and technology for development, 2020
5. Research progress on "uncertainty" of big data in social economy, science and technology for development, 2019
Projects Statistics:
1) Number of Research Projects in the Past 5 Years: 3
2) Number of Industrial Projects in the Past 5 Years: 6
3) Number of Inter-discipline Research Projects: 2
Teaching Cases: 1