Name: QIAO Han


Research Areas: Venture capital and Entrepreneurship, Business Model, Game Theory and Applications, Low carbon Economy

E-mail: qiaohan@ucas.ac.cn

Administrative Title: Vice Dean


Highest Degree&Year Earned: Ph.D, 2012

Discipline:Applied Economics


Publication in the Past 5 Years:


1)English Journals&Journal Citations (SSCI/SCI/EI/CSSCI) 

1.Conflicts between business and government in bike sharing system,H Yang,Y Hu,H Qiao,S Wang,F Jiang, International journal of conflict management, 2020, SSCI 

2. Strong time-consistent core for a class of linear-state games,S Artem,Q Han, Journal of systems science&complexity,2020 SCI 

3. How the manufacturing economy impacts China's energy-related GHG emissions: Insights from structural path analysis,B Zhang,Y Zhang,X Wu,CH Guan,H Qiao,Science of the total environment,2020   SCI 

4. Uneven development within China: Implications for interprovincial energy, water and arable land requirements,B Zhang,Q Wang,Y Liu,Y Zhang,H Qiao,Journal of environmental management,2020  SCI 

5. Liu H., Qiao H.*, Wang S.Y., Li Y.Z., Platform competition in peer-to-peer lending considering risk control ability, European Journal of Operational Research, 294(1): 280-290, 2019.      SSCI/SCI 

6. Zhang Y.W., Shao L., Sun X.D., Han M.Y., Zhao X.L., Meng J., Zhang B., Qiao H.*, Outsourcing natural resource requirements within China, Journal of Environmental Management, 228: 292-302, 2018.    SSCI/SCI 

7. Peng B.H., Guo D.N., Qiao H., Yang Q., Zhang B., Hayat T., Alsaedi A., Ahmad B., Bibliometric and visualized analysis of China's coal research 2000-2015, Journal of Cleaner Production, 197(1): 1177-1189, 2018.   SSCI/SCI 

8. Mingxi Wang, Yi Hu, Han Qiao, Chuangyin Dang. Drug pricing pattern in China: Dilemma and countermeasure, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, 27(3): 340-366, 2018.    SCI 

9. Anastasiadis E., Deng X.T., Krysta P., Li M.M., Qiao H., Zhang J.S., Network Pollution Games, Algorithmica, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00453-018-0435-4, 2018. . SSCI/SCI 

10. Huang A.Q., Lai K.K., Qiao H.*, Wang S.Y., Zhang Z.J., Does interval knowledge sharpen forecasting models?Evidence from China’s typical ports, International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, 17(2), 467-483, 2018. SCI/SCI 

11. Lu B., Qiao H., Zhao Y., Yang X., Hua G., Zhang X., Economic evaluation on container shipping route selection, International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, 32(2), 85-101, 2018.       

12. Zhang B., Jin P.F., Qiao H.*, Hayatb T., Alsaedib A., Ahmadb B., Exergy analysis of Chinese agriculture, Ecological Indicators, 2017, doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2017.08.054.8. SSCI/SCI 

13. Li Y.W., Wang S.Y., Zeng Y., Qiao H., Equilibrium investment strategy for a DC plan with partial information and mean-variance criterion, IEEE Systems Journal, 11(3), 1492-1504, 2017.  SCI 

14. Xu L.Z., Lai K.K., Qiao H.*, Wang S.Y., A study on transport costs and China’s exports: an extended gravity model, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 30(6), 1403-1424, 2017.  SCI 

15. Zheng J.L., Qiao H.*, Wang S.Y., The effect of carbon tax in aviation industry on the multilateral simulation Game, Sustainability, 9(7): 1-24, 2017.  SSCI/SCI 

16. Shao Y.M., Qiao H., Wang S.Y., What determines China's crude oil importing trade patterns? Empirical evidences from 55 countries between 1992 and 2015, Energy Policy, 109: 854-862, 2017. SSCI/SCI 

17. Sun S.L., Qiao H., Wei Y.J., Wang S.Y., A new dynamic integrated approach for wind speed forecasting, Applied Energy, 197, 151-162, 2017.    SSCI/SCI

18. Lu F.B., Qiao H.*, Wang S.Y., Lai K.K., Li Y.Z., Time-varying coefficient vector autoregressions model based on dynamic correlation with an application to crude oil and stock markets, Environmental Research, 152, 351-359, 2017.     SSCI/SCI 

19. Yang W., Shi J.F., Qiao H., Shao Y.M., Wang S.Y., Regional technical efficiency of Chinese iron and steel industry based on bootstrap network data envelopment analysis, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 2017, 57:14-24.     . SSCI/SCI 

20. Zhang Q., Wu C., Qiao H.*, Wang S.Y., No advertising, but more sponsorship? A case study of e-red envelope at China's Spring Festival Gala, Chinese Management Studies, 11(1), 90-106, 2017.     SSCI 

21. Li X.R., Qiao H.*, Wang S.Y., Exploring evolution and emerging trends in business model study: a co-citation analysis, Scientometrics, 111: 869-887, 2017.     SSCI/SCI 

22. Gao H.W., Petrosyan L., Qiao H.*, Sedakov A., Cooperation in two-stage games on undirected networks, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 30(3): 680-693, 2017.    SCI 

23. Sun X.D., Li J.S., Qiao H., Zhang B., Energy implications of China’s regional development: New insights from multi-regional input-output analysis. Applied Energy, 196: 118-131, 2017.   SSCI/SCI 

24. Li Z.R., Qiao H.*, Zu L., Song N., An empirical investigating on the risk-return relationship of carbon future market, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 29(4), 1057-1070, 2016.   SSCI/SCI 

25. Wang L., Gao H.W., Petrosyan L., Qiao H.*, Sedakov A., Strategically supported cooperation in dynamic games with coalition structures, Science China Mathematics, 59(5), 1015-1028, 2016.   SCI 

26. Huang A.Q., Qiao H.*, Wang S.Y., Liu J., Improving forecasting performance by exploiting expert knowledge: Evidence from Guangzhou port, International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, 15(2): 387-401, 2016.       SSCI/SCI 

27. Zhang B., Qiao H.*, Chen Z.M., Chen B., Growth in embodied energy transfers via China’s domestic trade: Evidence from multi-regional input-output analysis, Applied Energy, 184, 1093-1105, 2016.      SSCI/SCI 

28. Zhang B., Chen Z.M., Zeng L., Qiao H., Chen B., Demand-driven water withdrawals by Chinese industry: a multi-regional input-output analysis, Frontiers of Earth Science, 10(1), 13-28, 2016.    SSCI/SCI 

29. Qiao H., Song N., Lu B., Hua G.W., Du H.S., China’s optimal strategy against the European Union aviation carbon tax scheme: A two-stage game model analysis, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 14(8): 1803-1811, 2015.    SCI 

30. Li Y.W., Qiao H., Wang S.Y., Zhang L., Time-consistent investment strategy under partial information, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 65, 187-197, 2015.   SCI/SSCI 

31. Zhang B., Qiao H., Chen B., Embodied energy uses by China’s four municipalities: A study based on multi-regional input-output model, Ecological Modelling, 318, 138-149, 2015.   SCI 

32. Zhang B., Chen Z.M., Qiao H., Chen B., Hayat T., Alsaedi A., China's non-CO2 greenhouse gas emissions: Inventory and input-output analysis, Ecological Informatics, 26, 101-110, 2015.     SCI/SSCI 

33. Huang A.Q., Lai K.K., Qiao H.*, Wang S.Y.,Zhang Z.J., An interval knowledge based forecasting paradigm for container throughput prediction, Procedia Computer Science, 55, 1381-1389, 2015. EI 

34. Gao H.W., Qiao H.*, Sedakov A., Wang L., A dynamic formation procedure of information flow networks, Journal of Systems Science and Information, 3(2): 97-110, 2015. CSSCI 

35. Xu L.Z., Fang S.C., Lai K.K., Qiao H.*, Wang S.Y., Transportation system and trade flows in Port cities of China: A random coefficient model, Journal of Systems Science and Information, 3(4): 289-300, 2015.       CSSCI 

36. Xiao H., Wang J.G., Zhu Q., Qiao H., Carbon emissions and carbon intensity in China’s exports: A contrast of SRIO and GIRIO methods, Journal of Systems Science and Information, 3(6): 499-512, 2015.      CSSCI 

37. A study on transport costs and China’s exports: an extended gravity model,Journal of Systems Science and Complexity 2017


2) Chinese Journals&Journal Citations (SSCI/SCI/EI/CSSCI) 

1. Shubin Wang, Quanying Lu, Han Qiao,Empirical research on Inter Organizational Knowledge Sharing, technological learning and production performance of energy enterprises -- Based on the analysis of "comprehensive integration method from qualitative to quantitative", management review, 2020 CSSCI 

2. Can venture capital screen and cultivate high-quality enterprises—— Fuzzy breakpoint regression analysis based on China gem, Han Qiao, Guizhou Wang, Shouyang Wang, system engineering theory and practice, 2020 EI/CSSCI 

3. Han Q iao, Jie Wang, Tao Lu,Review and frontier analysis of income distribution research -- Based on bibliometric methods, management review, 2020 CSSCI 

4. business mode two innovation and system environment co process and mechanism: longitudinal case study based on Alipay development process, Han Qiao, Shuzhe Jia, Si Zhang, Tao Lu, management review, 2020 CSSCI 

5. System dynamics simulation analysis of the impact mechanism of value network on business model innovation of science and technology start-up enterprises -- Based on system management and CET@I From the perspective of methodology, Tao Guo, Xiaozhou Ding, Han Qiao, management review 2020 CSSCI 

6. Zhigang Cao; Han Qiao; Zaifu Yang,Auction theory and Design: review and Enlightenment of the 2020 Nobel Prize in economics, management review, 2020 CSSCI 

7. Frontier analysis and review of business model innovation research, Han Qiao, Jie Hu, Shuo Zhang, science and technology for development 2020 CSCD 

8. He Liu, Zhenglin,Jia Jiali Zheng, Han Qiao *, Shouyang Wang, multi attribution P2P online loan platform pricing and profit model analysis: a two-stage dynamic game model, system engineering theory and practice, 39 (7), 1669-1679, 2019, EI 

9. Chao Li, Sengui Zheng, Xuechen Ding, Han Qiao *, Shouyang Wang, business model pnmp- CET@I Feedback regulation analysis model: ant financial service case, system engineering theory and practice, 38 (9), 2277-2288, 2018 EI 

10. Mingxi Wang, Yi Hu, Han Qiao, government procurement auction model in asymmetric environment, system engineering theory and practice, 38 (9), 2277-2288, 2018 EI 

11. Bingqian Yan, Yi Hu, Han Qiao, Shouyang Wang, dynamic evolution analysis of Wanda Group's business model, system engineering theory and practice, 38 (5), 1164-1172, 2018 EI 

12. Bingqian Yan, Xiaoyang Cui, Xin Yun, Junru Li, Han Qiao *, Yi Hu, a new analytical perspective of business model: reconstructing the "smile curve" of real estate enterprises, management review, 30 (6), 265-272, 2018 CSSCI 

13. Jianing Wang, Chao Wu, Han Qiao *, Shouyang Wang, the road of business model transformation and innovation of Internet securities companies - "Jiaxin wealth management" case, management review, 30 (4), 247-256, 2018 CSSCI 

14. Lei Li, Chao Li, Xuechen Ding, Han Qiao *, integrated prediction of demand for licensed (Assistant) physicians in China -- An Empirical Study Based on GM, ARIMA and VaR models, management review, 30 (3), 171-178, 2018 CSSCI 

15. Bingqian Yan, Han Qiao *, Shouyang Wang. Research on the impact of carbon trading mechanism on product prices and returns in various sectors of China's national economy. Chinese journal of management science, 2017, 25 (7): 1-10 CSSCI 

16. Mingxi Wang, Yi Hu, Han Qiao *, root causes and prevention mechanism of falsely high drug prices under the bidding procurement system, system engineering theory and practice, 37 (2), 379-388, 2017 CSSCI 

17. Xiaozhen Liang, Han Qiao, Shouyang Wang, Peng Zhang, integrated prediction model of China's air passenger volume based on singular spectrum analysis, system engineering theory and practice, 37 (6), 1479-1488, 2017 CSSCI 

18. Xueliang Ma, Chao Li, Qingmei Zhao, Aihua Long, Han Qiao *, research on ecological water security and management in inland river area of Xinjiang Based on game theory, management review, 29 (7): 235-243, 2017 CSSCI 

19. Han Qiao *, Jing Zhang, Sheng Guo, Shangbo Ji, Bing Liu, research on the relationship between bank external environment, business model and performance - based on the data of 16 domestic listed commercial banks, management review, 29 (6): 252-263, 2017 CSSCI 

20. Chao Wu, Jiayi Rao, Han Qiao *, Yi Hu, Shouyang Wang, we media business model innovation based on social economy - "logic thinking" case, management review, 29 (4): 255-263, 2017 CSSCI 

21. Lei Li, Jingyu Li, Bing Liu, Han Qiao *, international comparison of medical and health service model and resource allocation, management review, 29 (3), 186-196, 2017 CSSCI 

22. Jiayi Rao, Dawei Xu, Han Qiao *, Shouyang Wang, business model analysis of video websites based on business model feedback system - Case Study of Netflix and iqiyi, management review, 29 (2), 245-254, 2017 CSSCI 

23. Qian Zhang, Chao Wu, Han Qiao *, Yimai Fang, based on TEI@I Methodological ratings prediction of China's quarterly TV variety shows, system engineering theory and practice, 36 (11), 2905-2914, 2016 CSSCI 

24. Kenan Qiao, Han Qiao *, yield, volatility and investor risk preference, system engineering theory and practice, 36 (10), 2489-2497, 2016 CSSCI 

25. Xin Zhan, Han Qiao *, research on game strategy of trusted service management platform for mobile near-field payment industry -- from the perspective of bilateral market theory, system engineering theory and practice, 36 (9), 2259-2267, 2016 CSSCI 

26. Xiaoxun Ren, Han Qiao *, Leping He, Zhiyuan Huang, Shouyang Wang, research and analysis of bank business model based on Bibliometric model, system engineering theory and practice, 36 (5), 1169-1179, 2016 CSSCI 

27. Yixin Yang, Xin Lyu, binwei Liu, Xiaoyang Cui, Chao Wu, Han Qiao *, Shouyang Wang, business model of system engineering and service industry, system engineering theory and practice, 36 (4), 817-833, 2016 CSSCI 

28. Xuerong Li, Xiaoxu Zhang, Zhengyang Li, Bolin, Qi Zhang, Jianxin Zhang, Han Qiao *, Wang Shouyang, bibliometric analysis of business model, system engineering theory and practice, 36 (2), 273-287, 2016 CSSCI 

29. Xuerong Li, Xiaoxin Wang, Han Qiao *, construction of petition game model and Research on risk prevention strategy, system engineering theory and practice, 36 (1), 127-135, 2016 CSSCI 

30. Xiaoxu Zhang, Xiaozhen Liang, Yi Hu, Han Qiao, Jinguo Wang, Shouyang Wang, research on the impact of the completion of Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge on Hong Kong economy, system engineering theory and practice, 36 (12), 3026-3033, 2016 CSSCI 

31. Yunjie Wei, Dawei Xu, Yifan Yang, Yi Hu, Han Qiao *, Shouyang Wang, research on business model change: case of TCL group, management review, 28 (10): 250-258, 2016 CSSCI 

32. Jingyu Li, Xiaoyi Feng, Qian Zhang, Yongwu Li, Zhihua Yang, Xin Yun, Han Qiao *, Yi Hu, Shouyang Wang, research on business model of TV media industry, management review, 28 (4): 79-88, 2016 CSSCI 

33. Xiaoyang Cui, Bingqian Yan, Han Qiao, Yi Hu, Shouyang Wang, whole industry chain business model innovation based on "smile curve" - Wanda Commercial real estate case, management review, 28 (11): 264-272, 2016.CSSCI 

34. Yi Liu, Wei Xu, Han Qiao, Weicheng Fan, preface of research progress album on emergency management methods. Management review, 28 (8): 3-5, 2016 CSSCI 

35. Yi Liu, Wei Xu, Han Qiao, Weicheng Fan, research progress of emergency theory and method, preface of album, system engineering theory and practice, 35 (10), 1-4, 2015 EI 

36. Xin Zhan, Han Qiao *, research on anti money laundering game model and strategy of online payment industry, system engineering theory and practice, 35 (8), 1947-1955, 2015 EI 

37. Hao Xiao, Jiaheng Yang, Han Qiao *, measurement and decomposition of global carbon emission intensity on the demand side, system engineering theory and practice, 35 (7), 1646-1656, 2015 EI 

38. Yang Fan, Tianyi Gao, Han Qiao *, research on competition and cooperation within port groups based on Game Model -- Taking the Yellow Sea region as an example, system engineering theory and practice, 35 (4), 955-964, 2015 EI

39. Hui Liu, Yifang Liu, Han Qiao, Yi Hu, research on technological innovation efficiency of China's strategic emerging industries, system engineering theory and practice, 35 (9), 2296-2303, 2015 EI 

40. Nan Song, Julei Fu, Qin Bao, Han Qiao, terrorist information dissemination and optimal response strategy based on scale-free network, system engineering theory and practice, 35 (3), 630-640, 2015 EI 

41. Xiaoxun Ren, Han Qiao *, ZhiyuaHuang n, Leping He, Shouyang Wang, business model Diamond Model - Case Study of Ping An financial flagship store, management review, 27 (11), 231-240, 2015 CSSCI 

42. Shouyang Wang, Jingning Ao, Han Qiao *, Yifan Yang, Yi Hu, Mao Jiang, business model iceberg theory based on knowledge management, management review, 27 (6), 1-10, 2015 CSSCI 

43. Yi Hu, Han Qiao *, research review of Angus Deaton, winner of the 2015 Nobel Prize for economic science, management review, 27 (10), 3-8, 2015 CSSCI 

44. Xin Yun, Ling Xin, Ying Liu, Han Qiao *, Youku Tudou M & A Case Analysis - based on event analysis and accounting index analysis, management review, 27 (9), 231-240, 2015 CSSCI 

45. Qian Zhang, Jingyu Li, Jiayi Rao, Han Qiao *, Shouyang Wang, stakeholder based analysis of "goddess's new clothes": how to build TV + business model, management review, 27 (8), 234-240, 2015 CSSCI 

46. Xiaoxin Wang, Xuerong Li, Han Qiao *, research on crisis response strategies of litigation related letters and visits from the perspective of game theory, management review, 27 (7), 199-206, 2015 39. CSSCI 

47. Min Qin, Han Qiao, lianghuang Chen, research on online user contribution behavior of enterprise open innovation community based on CAS Theory: taking domestic well-known enterprise community as an example, management review, 27 (1), 126-137, 2015.CSSCI 

48. Junhao Gou, Han Qiao. SWOT analysis on the development strategy of ice and snow tourism in Xinjiang, social sciences of Xinjiang, (5), 50-55, 2015 CSSCI


Projects Statistics:

1) Number of Research Projects in the Past 5 Years: 11

2) Number of Industrial Projects in the Past 5 Years: 2


Teaching Cases: 1


Honor and Awards: the second prize of Excellent Achievements of Universities by Ministry of Education; Nationwide hundred Excellent Management Cases Award; Top 10 Most Respected Deans of Business Schools; Siwei CHENG Outstanding Instructor Award; UCAS Lingyan Silver Award; China Management Youth Award; UCAS Outstanding Faculty Award; UCAS Teaching Excellence Award ; 2cd prize of Social Sciences Award of Jiangsu Province; FRONTRUNNER 5000 TOP articles in outstanding S&T journals of China.


Social Activities: Deputy Editor, Management Review; Editor of “Case Studies”, Management Review; Deputy Editor, Science & Technology for Development; Member of the Editorial Board, Systems Engineering-Theory & Practice; Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of Systems Engineering; Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of Systems Science and Mathematical Sciences; Member of the Editorial Board, Acta Analysis Functionalis Applicata; Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of Systems Science and Information; Deputy Secretary-General and Council Member, Systems Engineering Society of China; Council Member, Operational Research Society of China; Council Member, Chinese Society for Management Modernization; Deputy Chairperson and Council Member, Game Theory Division, Operational Research Society of China; Secretary-General and Council Member, China Section, International Society of Dynamic Games; Deputy Secretary-General, Energy & Resource System Engineering Chapter, System Engineering Society of China.