Name: LUAN Dalong
Research Areas: Financial Engineering, Project Management
Highest Degree&Year Earned: Ph.D, 2007
Discipline: Business Administration
Publication in the Past 5 Years:
1) Chinese Journals&Journal Citations (SSCI/SCI/EI/CSSCI)
1. Dalong Luan, military civilian integration towards a new era, financial circles, 2018
2. Dalong Luan, Lian Xue, Bo Tang, "the formation and development of military and civilian integration development strategy of Xi Jinping", Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University (SOCIAL SCIENCE EDITION), 2018
3. Dalong Luan, "military civilian integration and weapon equipment development trends", software and integrated circuit, 2017
4. Dalong Luan, military civilian integration, the way to enrich the country and strengthen the army, China investment, 2017.
5. Dalong Luan, promoting mixed ownership reform through military asset securitization, national defense science and technology industry, 2016
Projects Statistics:
1) Number of Research Projects in the Past 5 Years: 2
2) Number of Industrial Projects in the Past 5 Years: 1
Teaching Cases: 1
Textbooks: 1
Professional Practice Standards/Public Policy: 1
Honor and Awards: Outstand Leaders Award of China Association for Quality
Social Activities: Independent Director