Name: LIU Xiuli
Research Areas: Macro Economic Modeling and Policy Evaluation
Administrative Title: Advice Director of Economic Analysis and Forecasting Science Research Lab
Highest Degree&Year Earned: Ph.D, 2004
Discipline:Applied Economics
Publication in the Past 5 Years:
1)English Journals&Journal Citations (SSCI/SCI/EI/CSSCI)
1. Hongli Chen* and Xiuli Liu, The formation mechanism of green dairy industry chain from the perspective of green sustainable development, Complexity, 2020, Volume 2020, Article ID 2927153,1-12 SCI
2. Zhang Wenju & Chen Hongli & Wu Yanyan & Liu Xiuli, 2020. Competitiveness Evaluation of ChineseDairy Industry Based on Accelerated Genetic Algorithm Projection PursuitModel, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Hindawi, vol. 2020, pages 1-17,DOI: 10.1155/2020/6185234" SCI
3. Xiuli Liu*, Geoffrey J. D. Hewings*, Shouyang Wang*, Minghui Qin, Xin Xiang, Xuefeng Li, Modeling the situation of COVID-19 and effects of different containment strategies in China with dynamic differential equations and parameters estimation, MedRxiv
4.Xiuli Liu, Minghui Qin, Study on the Balance of Dietary Structure of Residents in China by Province and Age Group Based on the Diet Guidelines for Chinese Residents, Basic & Clinical Pharmacology &Toxicology(SCI, IF=2.659), 2019, 124, S3, 376-377SCI
5.Xiuli Liu, Xikang Chen, Shouyang Wang. The Comparative Study on Changes of Dietary Structure among Residents in Mainland China and Other Regions, Basic & Clinical Pharmacology &Toxicology(SCI, IF=2.659), 2019, 124, S3, 378-379 SCI
6.Xiuli Liu, Forecasting on China's Total Water Demand in 2018, Advances in Intelligent Systems Research , 2018, 151, 254-257, EI
7.Qing Liu, Xiuli Liu (Corresponding Author), Shouyang Wang, Evaluating the Impacts of Universal Two-child Policy on Beijing’s Population, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity(SCI,EI), 2019.3, Accepted SCI
8.Xiuli Liu (Corresponding Author), Geoffrey Hewings, Identification of Changes in the Economic Interactions among Sectors for Chicago Economy Using Feedback Loop Analysis, The Annals of Regional Science. 2019, 62:637-655 SCI
9.Shan Zheng and Xiuli Liu (Corresponding Author), Prediction of China's Household Consumption and Its Effects on China’s GDP, Environment, DEStech Transactions on Computer Science and Engineering,2019 ,301-306 EI
10.Xin Xiang and Xiuli Liu (Corresponding Author), Evaluating Impacts of the Ternary Structure Change of Population in Urban and Rural Areas on Industrial Development in China, Environment, DEStech Transactions on Computer Science and Engineering, 2019, 351-355 EI
11.Minghui Qin and Xiuli Liu(Corresponding Author), Analysis of the Influence of Dietary Pattern on the Health Level of Residents in China (AMMCE835),AMMCE2019, 2019.5, Accepted, Engineering and Technology Research EI
12.Li Sun, Danni Ma, Xiuli Liu(Corresponding Author), Analysis of Influence Factors of Dietary Structure of Urban Residents in Beijing and Heilongjiang Areas——A Case Study of Grain and Aquatic Products , Advances in Computer Science Research,2019, Vol.91,366-371 EI
13.Siqing You, Yi Lu, Xiuli Liu, Assessment on Water Environmental Safety in Haihe River Basin in China, AMMSS2019,2019.8 Accepted, Advances inIntelligent Systems Research EI
14. Xiuli Liu (Corresponding Author), Geoffrey Hewings, Shouyang Wang, Evaluating the Impacts of Waste Treatment Management Modes on Products' Prices in Macro Economic System, Journal of the Cleaner Production (IF=5.651, JCR Q1),2018.Vol(200), 188-195, SCI
15.Qin Minghui and Liu X. L. Analysis of the Influence of Dietary Pattern on the Health Level of Residents in China--Based on the DEA method,Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology (IF=3.1), 2018, Vol(123 ),S3 , 41-42 SCI
16.Liu X. L., Hewings G. J. D., Wang S. Y. and Chen X. K. Intervention effects on the dietary structure and habits of patients with type 2 diabetes in regions of China, Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology (IF=3.1), 2018, Vol(123 ), S3 ,40 SCI
17. Xiuli Liu, Evaluating the impacts of waste treatment management modes on product price by sector in a macro economic system,Journal of Earth Science and Climatic Change, 2018, vol(9), 35 EI
18.Xiuli Liu, A Method to Visualize the Skeleton Industrial Structure with Input- Output Analysis and its Application in China, Japan andUSA, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 2018 SCI
19.Xiuli Liu (Corresponding Author), Geoffrey Hewings, Xikang Chen, Shouyang Wang, A Factor Decomposing Model on Water Use Efficiency at Sector Level and Its Application in Beijing, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 2016, 29(2),405-427. SCI
20. Xiuli Liu, Ana Salome Garcia Muniz, Blanca Moreno, A Grey neural network and input-output combined forecasting model. Primary energyconsumption forecasts in Spanish Economic sectors, Energy (IF=4.292), 2016, 115:1042-1054. SCI
21.Qingrong Zou, Xiuli Liu (Corresponding Author), Economic effects analysis of seawater desalination in China with input-outputtechnology, Desalination (2017 IF= 6.603, JCR Q1),2016, 380,18-28.C3" SCI
22.Qing Liu, Xiuli Liu(Corresponding Author), Prediction and Analysis of Beijing’s Population Structure Based on the PDE Model, ManagementInformation and Optoelectronic Engineering, (doi: 10.1142/9789814759298_0002)2016, 11-19. EI
23.Xiao-Zhen Liang, Xiu-Li Liu(Corresponding Author), Feng-Mei Yang, China live hog supply annual prediction with an econometric model,Journal of Systems Science and Complexity (IF=0.534), 2015,28(2), 409-423. SCI
2) Chinese Journals&Journal Citations (SSCI/SCI/EI/CSSCI)
1. Xin Xiang, Xiuli Liu (corresponding author), improved four layer parameter self-adjusting BP neural network model and its application to population mortality prediction, system science and mathematics, 2018, 38 (6): 702-710 CSCD
2. Shan Zheng, Xiuli Liu (corresponding author), research on the prediction of China's total consumption and structure in the new era, system science and mathematics, 2018, 38 (10): 1149-1159 CSCD
3. Qing Liu, Xiuli Liu (corresponding author), Shouyang Wang, estimation of China's food grain demand from 2020 to 2050 based on reasonable dietary structure, system engineering theory and Practice (EI, CSCD), 2018, 38 (3): 615-622.CSSCI
4. Xiuli Liu (corresponding author), Shouyang Wang (corresponding author), research on the calculation of labor supply by age group in China from 2018 to 2025 under the background of the two-child policy, science and technology for development (CSCD), 2018
5. Qing Liu, Xiuli Liu (corresponding author), research on the prediction of China's population size and structure in 2018-2100 under the background of fertility policy adjustment, practice and understanding of mathematics, 2018 (8), 180 – 188
6. Xiuli Liu (corresponding author), Zhuozhuo Tu, water environment safety assessment method and its application in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, Chinese journal of management science, 2018, 3160-168 CSSCI
7. Xikang Chen, Cuihong Yang, Xiuli Liu (corresponding author), prediction of national and regional grain output, management and research on scientific and technological achievements, No. 7, 2016, pp. 63-65
8. Xiuli Liu (corresponding author), Qingrong Zou, research on prediction of total water demand in China, system science and mathematics (CSCD), 2016,36 (10), 1643-1651 CSCD
9. Qingrong Zou, Xiuli Liu (corresponding author), research and application of prediction model of industrial water demand in China, practice and understanding of mathematics, 2015 (13): 96-103
10. Xiuli Liu, Biao Zhang (corresponding author), research on water resources utilization efficiency and water saving potential in China, advances in Science and Technology of water resources (CSCD), 2015, 35 (3), 5-10 CSCD
11. Biao Zhang, Xiuli Liu (corresponding author), structural decomposition analysis and Research on Influencing Factors of water consumption change in China, management review, 2015, issue 5, 3-8 CSSCI
Projects Statistics:
1) Number of Research Projects in the Past 5 Years: 8
Professional Practice Standards/Public Policy:26
Consultancy Report adopted by the Government or Company: 19
Honor and Awards: Best Paper Award of the 8th International Conference on Econometric Analysis and Prediction; Best Paper Award of the 8th Annual Academic Conference of Chinese Decision Science Association; China Youth Decision Science and Technology Award; Second Price of CAS(Chinese Academy Of Sciences) Science and Technology Progress Award.
Social Activities: Secretary Vice General, Executive Member of China Input-Output Association; Senior Member of International Association of Engineering Technology; Frontiers in Environmental Science, Editor; International Journal of Intelligent Information Processing , Editor; Journal of Systems Science and Mathematical Sciences, Editor; Executive member of China Decision Science Association, Branch of Operations Research Society of China; Specialized Committee member of the water system engineering society; American Economic Association, Member; East Asian Economic Association membership; Journal of advanced Statistics, Editor; Modern Management Forum editor; Council member of Operations Research Society of China.