Name: LAN Shulin
Title:Associate Professor
Research Areas: Supply Chain and Logistics Management, Operation Management
Highest Degree&Year Earned: Ph.D, 2016
Discipline:Finance and Statistics
Publication in the Past 5 Years:
1)English Journals&Journal Citations (SSCI/SCI/EI/CSSCI)
1.Tylab C , Gsab C , Chen Y D , et al. Efficient container virtualization-based digital twin simulation of smart industrial systems[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020.SCI,SSCI
2.Asma-Qamaliah Abdul-Hamid,Mohd Helmi Ali,Ming-Lang Tseng,Shulin Lan,Mukesh Kumar. Impeding challenges on industry 4.0 in circular economy: Palm oil industry in Malaysia[J]. Computers and Operations Research,2020,123.SCI,SSCI
3. Yang C , Peng T , Lan S , et al. Towards IoT-enabled dynamic service optimal selection in multiple manufacturing clouds[J]. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 2020, 56:213-226. SCI,SSCI
4. Yang C , Lan S , Wang L , et al. Big data driven edge-cloud collaboration architecture for cloud manufacturing: a software defined perspective[J]. IEEE Access, 2020, 8(1):45938-45950. SCI
5. Lan S , Tseng M L , Yang C , et al. Trends in sustainable logistics in major cities in China[J]. Science of The Total Environment, 2020, 712:136381-. SCI,SSCI
6. Wang G , X Li, J Zhou, et al. The influence of entrepreneurial team's cognitive adaptability on its risk decision making[J]. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2020. SCI,SSCI
7. Zhang, H., Tang, L., Yang, C., & Lan, S#. (2019). Locating electric vehicle charging stations with service capacity using the improved whale optimization algorithm. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 41, 100901. ( #Corresponding author)
8. Lan S, Yang C, Tseng M L. Corporate sustainability on causal financial efficiency model in a hierarchical structure under uncertainties. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 237: 117769. SCI,SSCI
9. Wang, G., Li, X., Zhou, J., &Lan,S#. (2019). The influence of entrepreneurial team’s cognitive adaptability on its risk decision making. Industrial Management & Data Systems. (#Corresponding author)
10. Lan S , Yang C , Chen C H . Online car-hailing system performance analysis based on Bayesian Network[J]. IEEE Access, 2019, PP(99):1-1. SCI
11. Yang C, Lan S#, Huang G Q. Revenue sharing model in New Hong Kong’s warehousing business paradigm. Journal of Ambient Intelligence & Humanized Computing, 2018(3):1-10. ( #Corresponding author)
12. ChenYang, Shulin Lan#, LihuiWang. Research on Coordinated Development between Metropolitan Economy and Logistics using Big Data and Haken Model. International Journal of Production Research,2018. ( #Corresponding author)"
13. Yang C, Lan S, Tseng M L. Coordinated development path of metropolitan logistics and economy in Belt and Road using DEMATEL–Bayesian analysis[J]. International Journal of Logistics Research andApplications, 2018(1):1-24."
14. Lan S, Tseng M L. Coordinated Development of Metropolitan Logistics and Economy Toward Sustainability. Computational Economics, 2017(4):1-26.
15. Lan S, Zhang H, Zhong R Y, et al. A customer satisfaction evaluation model for logistics services using fuzzy analytic hierarchy process. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2016,116(5):1024-1042.
16. Lan S, Yang C, Huang G Q. Data analysis for metropolitan economic and logistics development. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 2017, 32:66-76
17. Lan S L, Zhong R Y. Coordinateddevelopment between metropolitan economy and logistics for sustainability. Resources Conservation & Recycling, 2016, 128
18. Yang C, Lan S#, Shen W, et al. Towards product customization and personalization in IoT-enabled cloud manufacturing. Cluster Computing, 2017:1-14. ( #Corresponding author)
19. Yang H, Sun L, Lan S#, et al. Freight Group Behavior Under Freight Traffic Restriction Policy: the case of Beijing city distribution. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2017,117(3):00-00. ( #Corresponding author)
20. Wang K, Lan S, Zhao Y. A genetic-algorithm-based approach to the two-echelon capacitated vehicle routing problem with stochasticdemands in logistics service. Journal of the Operational Research Society,2017:1-13."
21. Wang K, Lan S, Jiang Z. Impact of customer impatience on a production service system. International Journal of Production Research, 2017, 54(9):2731-2749.
22. Zhong, R. Y., Newman, S. T., Huang, G.Q., & Lan, S. (2016). Big data for supply chain management in the service and manufacturing sectors: challenges, opportunities, and future perspectives. Computers & Industrial Engineering.
23. Zhong R Y, Huang G Q, Lan S, et al. A big data approach for logistics trajectory discovery from RFID-enabled production data. International Journal of Production Economics, 2015,165:260-272.
24. Zhong R Y, Lan S, Xu C, et al. Visualization of RFID-enabled shopfloor logistics Big Data in Cloud Manufacturing. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,2016, 84(1-4):5-16.
25. Zhong R Y, Huang G Q, Lan S, et al. A two-level advanced production planning and scheduling model for RFID-enabled ubiquitous manufacturing. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 2015,29(4):799-812.
Projects Statistics:
1) Number of Research Projects in the Past 5 Years: 2
2) Number of Industrial Projects in the Past 5 Years: 5
3) Number of Inter-discipline Research Projects: 1
Textbooks: 1
Professional Certification: Senior E-commerce Specialist
Honor and Awards: Best paper Award of IEEE 11th International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control (ICNSC)
Social Activities: Guest Editor in Chief of Industrial Management and Data Systems; Guest Editor in Chief of Advanced Engineering Informatics; Association director for ISBITM; Association specialist for UNIDO.