ZHANG Qiuliu

Name:  ZHANG Qiuliu

Title: Associate Professor

Research Areas: Food Economics and Management, Marketing Management

E-mail: qlzhang@ucas.ac.cn


Highest Degree&Year Earned: Ph.D, 2006

Discipline: Business Administration


Publication in the Past 5 Years:

1)English Journals&Journal Citations (SSCI/SCI/EI/CSSCI) 

1. Domain Knowledge Based Link Prediction in Customer-Product Bipartite Graph for Product Recommendation,International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making,2018,ISSN (print): 0219-6220 | ISSN (online): 1793-6845,SCI


2) Chinese Journals&Journal Citations (SSCI/SCI/EI/CSSCI): 

1. W Feng ang, Lingling Zhang, Jiayu Xue, Qiuliu Zhang. Business model analysis of R & D enterprises based on platform model -- Taking Huada as an example [J]. Management review, 2019,31 (09): 184-192 CSSCI 

2. Qiuliu Zhang et al.Three dimensional screening and evaluation system for related industries of large scientific devices -- Taking spallation neutron source as an example, research on science and technology management, 2019 (18): 59-68 CSSCI 

3. Oiuliu Zhang et al. Analysis and countermeasures of park management and control mode centered on large scientific devices -- Taking Dongguan Neutron Science City as an example, science and technology progress and policy, 2019,15:14-23. CSSCI 

4. Qiuliu Zhang et al, Research on key factors of industrialization relying on large scientific devices, science and technology for development, 2018,14 (9): 1-9 CSCD 

5. Qiuliu Zhang et al. Research on talent demand and development strategy relying on the industrialization of large scientific devices -- Taking spallation neutron source as an example, science and technology for development, 2018, 12:1118-1125. CSCD 

6.Qiuliu Zhang et al. Research on industrial financing mode and Countermeasures relying on large scientific devices -- Taking spallation neutron source as an example, science and technology for development, 2018, 14 (2): 65-71. CSCD 

7. Lingling Zhang, Daozhen Zhao, Qiuliu Zhang (corresponding author), research on industrialization mode and Countermeasures relying on large scientific devices -- Taking spallation neutron source as an example, science and technology progress and policy, 2017, 34 (19): 53-59. CSSCI


Projects Statistics:

1) Number of Research Projects in the Past 5 Years: 3

2) Number of Industrial Projects in the Past 5 Years: 6


Teaching Cases: 1